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IWsEndUser Interface

Namespace:  Aruba.Cloud.WsEndUser
Assembly:  Aruba.Cloud.WsEndUser (in Aruba.Cloud.WsEndUser.dll) Version: (
[ServiceContractAttribute(Namespace = "")]
public interface IWsEndUser

The IWsEndUser type exposes the following members.

Public methodCancelDeletePrivateCloudInstance
The method cancels the previously requested deletion
Public methodCancelDeleteVirtualMachine
The method cancels the previously requested deletion
Public methodChangePrivateCloudPassword
The method allows you to change Private Cloud Password
Public methodChangeZertoPassword
This method allows to change password for zerto service
Public methodCode exampleCheckEnqueueServerCreation
Performs a creation of a virtual server. By the method SetEnqueueServerCreation() of Aruba is WsEndUser can create a virtual server by specifying the characteristics of the various resources that make up. The method, in the case of a CREATION OF virtualMachine with a custom template or template Premium (generated by selling a template created by a director of a company) retrieves the image file required to create a car space FTP User that created it.
Public methodCreateVPCUser
Syncrhronous operation to create a VPC user
Public methodDeleteVPCUser
This method allow to delete a VPC user
Public methodGetActivatedPrivateCloudFeatures
this method returns a list of available features on a specific data center
Public methodGetAdditionalIPServices
This method allows to recover Additional IP Services for Pre Configured Packages
Public methodGetAdditionalServices
Returns an array of additional services by Referenceid and ProductId
Public methodGetAllCloudIpAddresses
Method returns all purshased IPs for virtual machines(smart and pro), loadbalancers and private clouds
Public methodGetAllTags
Returns an array of Tags by ResourceType
Public methodGetApplianceTypes
The method returns all the existing Appliance Types related to Virtual Machine's Templates
Public methodCode exampleGetAssistanceLanguages
This method provide a list of available languages with which the user can receive help.
Public methodGetAssistanceLanguagesList
The method returns the Assistance Language of the user. If there's no data on the user profile, the Language is inherited by the user's company setting
Public methodCode exampleGetAssistanceRequestDetails
This method is aimed to update assistance request data. Assistance request is updatable until user will send it to assistance team . Updatable data are RequestSubject, RequestBody, VirtualMachineID, CustomerEmail, CustomerFullName, CustomerPhoneNumber.
Public methodCode exampleGetAvailablePersonalTemplates
The method returns a list of active user-created custom templates. The case of a user with the Administrator role provides in output the status information for listing in TemplateSellingStatus
Public methodGetCompanyByUrl
The method allows you to retrieve the details of the company according custom url that is passed as input. The WsEndUser authenticates the user and retrieves the WcfUser on the DC to return the data in the table [ArubaCloudUsers]. [Dbo]. [CompanySettings] by filtering the [TechnicalPanelDomainUrl] that is passed as input.
Public methodCode exampleGetControlToolActivationRequests
The GetControlToolActivationRequests method returns the list of Extra Control Tool activation requests that have been sent.
Public methodCode exampleGetControlToolCheck Obsolete.
The GetControlToolCheck method allows to check whether the Extra Control Tool is active for a given virtual machine.
Public methodCode exampleGetControlToolCommandResult Obsolete.
The GetControlToolCommandResult allows to send a text command to the Extra Control Tool on an individual virtual machine, and get the result back.
Public methodGetCountries
This method returns all the countries registered
Public methodCode exampleGetCredit
This method obtain update value of account's amount.

By GetCredit() method it's possible verify authenticated account's amount By GetCredit() method it's possible also granted trust.

Public methodCode exampleGetCustomVirtualDisks
Get a list of VirtualDisk imported. By the method GetCustomVirtualDisks() of Aruba WsEndUser, it is possible to obtain a CustomVirtualDisk list of class objects that represent virtual disks imported in the ftp to the user specified in the authentication phase. And 'possible to filter the hypervisor for virtual disks, using a member of the HyperVisorType, or obtain a list is not filtered, using HyperVisorType.All
Public methodCode exampleGetDatacenterConfigurations
This method obtain available datacenter’s configuration. By GetDataCenterConfigurations() it’s possible to get available datacenter information about configuration setting.
Public methodCode exampleGetHybridLinks
This method returns a list of all hybrid links responding to request parameters
Public methodGetHybridLinksbyOrg
extracts all the hybrid links of a specific PrivateCloudOrganization
Public methodGetHybridLinksPricingTypes
This method returns the infos about a hybrid link pricing type
Public methodGetHypervisorDetails
The method retrieves the template details available in a single hypervisor type specified in the input parameter
Public methodGetHypervisors
The method returns, along with the standard template platform, user-created custom templates and templates offered for sale and available on its price list.
Public methodGetHypervisorTemplateDetails
Returns specified template in details
Public methodGetHypervisorTemplates
Returns all templates with request specified filter and sort (public and userid-owner)
Public methodGetHypervisorTemplatesPriority
This method return result from call to WcfSettings::GetApplicationSettingsValue(ApplicationSettingsConstants.TEMPLATE_PRIORITY_KEY)
Public methodGetHypervisorTypes
The method returns the different kinds of hyprevisors available in the Cloud platform
Public methodCode exampleGetIsos
Gets a list of available ISO images. By the method GetIsos () of Aruba WsEndUser, you can get a list of objects of class Iso representing the ISO images available for the account specified at the time of authentication.
Public methodCode exampleGetJobs
Get a list of Job and income associated with the account indicated. By the method GetJobs () of Aruba WsEndUser, you can get a list of objects of class Job representing the operations currently in the Running state and Waiting and going to work on the different resources in the datacenter.
Public methodCode exampleGetLoadBalancerLoads
By the method GetLoadBalancerLoads you can retrieve the list of load balancer’s load statistics.
Public methodCode exampleGetLoadBalancerNotifications
By the method GetLoadBalancerNotifications you can retrieve the list of notification to sent for the load balancer.
Public methodCode exampleGetLoadBalancerRuleStatistics
By the method GetLoadBalancerRuleStatistics you can retrieve the list of statistics for the load balancer.
Public methodCode exampleGetLoadBalancers
By the method GetLoadBalancers you can retrieve the list of load balancers.
Public methodCode exampleGetLogs
Returns the list of log messages generated during the period required by the virtual server specified by the input parameter. This method can be used to manage log information during normal operation of the virtual server, or to obtain debug information as a result of a call to the methods of the web service. GetLogs can be used only after passing the authentication phase. And 'possible to apply the logs of a specific virtual server, indicating the ID as an input parameter, or request a log of all virtual server created, specifying ServerID as a null value. It 'also allowed indicate a time interval, to limit to a specific period of time the extraction of information. It 'also possible to omit the start date, end date, or both, to remove some or all of the time limits.
Public methodGetNetworkAdapterConfiguration
The GetNetworkAdapterConfiguration returns the configuration for a given network adapter on a given virtual machine.
Public methodCode exampleGetNews
Gets the news even read ada for the authenticated user Using the method GetNews () WsEndUser of Aruba, you can user the list of news.
Public methodCode exampleGetOpenStackFlavors
Get a list of Openstack Flavor available to the account indicated. By the method OpenStackFlavor() of Aruba WsEndUser, you can get a list of objects of class OpenStackFlavor that defines the compute, memory, and storage capacity of an instance.
Public methodGetOperationsLog
Public methodCode exampleGetPagedServersList
Public methodCode exampleGetPreConfiguredPackages
This method allows to recover pre configured packages.
Public methodCode exampleGetPriceList
This method get account’s price list. By GetPriceList() method it’s possible get authenticated account’s price list. Hour price of resources can change depending by hypervisor type and customer type
Public methodGetPrivateCloudCustomProducts
Returns all CloudCustomProduct for alle the VDC of the specified Organization or the specified VDC
Public methodGetPrivateCloudNamingBlacklists
Public methodGetPrivateCloudOrganizationDetails
extracts all the detailed information of a specific PrivateCloudOrganization
Public methodGetPrivateCloudOrganizations
extracts the list of all PrivateCloudOrganizations linked to the authenticated user
Public methodGetPrivateCloudPricingTypes
Returns alla available PrivateCloudPricingType elements with all languages descriptions
Public methodGetPrivateCloudResources
Returns all PrivateCloudResources for alle the VDC of the specified Organization or the specified VDC
Public methodCode exampleGetPrivateCloudResourcesTypes
By the method GetPurchsedPrivateClouds you can retrieve the resources type for private cloud
Public methodGetPrivateCloudResourcesTypes2 Obsolete.
The method allows you to retrieve the details of the resources privateCloud.
Public methodGetPublicVLanForUser
Retrieves the PublicVLan on which the specified user's machines are located
Public methodGetPurchasedAdditionalServices
Returns an array of purchased additional services by CloudReferenceID or UserID (by all PrivateCloudInstances that belong to user)
Public methodCode exampleGetPurchasedFTP
Gets the FTP user account information. By the method GetPurchasedFTP() of Aruba WsEndUser, you can get detailed information FTP account user upon authentication. Returns, among others, information on: total space, occupied space, space occupied by PersonalTemplate.
Public methodCode exampleGetPurchasedIpAddresses
Get a list of IpAddress purchased and associated with the account indicated. Using the method GetPurchasedIpAddresses() WsEndUser of Aruba, you can get a list of objects of class IPAddress representing the IP addresses associated with your purchase and then specify in the authentication phase. IPAddress objects thus obtained allow to see the main features of the IP addresses obtained from: mainly the resource name, its identification code (ID) and the code of the server to which the VLAN is associated.
Public methodGetPurchasedPrivateCloudDetails
The method allows to recover details of privateCloud purchased by the user.
Public methodGetPurchasedPrivateCloudDetails2 Obsolete.
The method allows to recover details of privateCloud purchased by the user. This version returns localized product names based on the LanguageId parameter value of the request object
Public methodCode exampleGetPurchasedPrivateClouds
By the method GetPurchsedPrivateClouds you can retrieve the resources type for private cloud
Public methodGetPurchasedPrivateCloudsBase
This method returns all the active private cloud instances purchased by a user
Public methodCode exampleGetPurchasedVLans

Get a list of VLANs and associated purchased from your set.

Using the method GetPurchasedVLans() WsEndUser of Aruba, you can get a list of class objects that represent virtual LAN VLAN purchased and then associated with the account specified in the authentication phase. VLAN objects thus obtained allow to see the main features of VLAN purchased: mainly the resource name, its identification code (ID) and the code of the server to which the VLAN is associated.

Public methodGetRemoteAccessUrl
Generates unique URL for the Recovery Console remote session for the specified virtual machine of the user
Public methodGetRemoteAccessUrlEx
Generates a complex RemoteAccessDto object defining unique URL and layour for the Recovery Console remote session for the specified virtual machine of the user
Public methodGetReverseDns
Method to get all reverse dns
Public methodCode exampleGetScheduledOperations
The aim of the method is to output a list of date occurrences of active scheduled operations of a user between a startdate and enddate. An optional scheduleoperationID can be specified in input
Public methodCode exampleGetScheduleOccurrences
The aim of the method is to output a list of date occurrences of active scheduled operations of an user between a startdate and enddate . An optional scheduleoperationID can be specified in input.
Public methodCode exampleGetSchedulerDataTypes
This mehod retrieves the list of available scheduler frequency types and a list of all types of parameters that must be specified for certain type of operations
Public methodCode exampleGetServerDetails
This method obtain detail information about virtual server specified in input parameter. GetServerDetails allow user to get information about characteristics and components of virtual machine. This information allow user to monitor current state of machine and its components. It’s possibile obtain ram quantity, server ID, state, hypervisor type etc. It’s possible obtain same detail level about: Virtual disk list, snapshot, network adapters and virtual optical drive. GetServerDetails also allow to get list of active and wait operations of chosen server.
Public methodCode exampleGetServers
Obtain server list of specified account. Can you filter result by state. GetServer method get object list of Server class. Exist optional integer value to filter by state.
Public methodCode exampleGetServerSchedulesLogs
Recover log on scheduled operations of a given Cloud Server. By the method GetServerSchedulesLogs() Aruba's WsEndUser you can recover all the logs (between 2 dates) of scheduled operations performed on a particular Cloud Server.
Public methodCode exampleGetServersList
The method returns the list of User's Virtual Servers, filtered by the given request
Public methodGetSharedStorageDetails
This method returns the infos about a specified Unified Storage
Public methodGetSharedStoragePricingTypes
This method returns the infos about a Unified Storage pricing type
Public methodCode exampleGetSharedStorages
By the method GetSharedStorages you can show your network storages
Public methodGetSystemStatusHistory
By the method GetSystemStatusHistory you can show the statistics of use for the server's resources (CPU, RAM, Disks) The method return an object with the list of statistics about CPU, RAM and Disks for a specific server.
Public methodGetTemplateCategories
Returns the list of attributes associated with a template
Public methodGetTemplateDetails
Return the detail data of a template taking as input the ID of the template
Public methodCode exampleGetTemplateLicenses
The method returns a list of active user-created custom templates. The case of a user with the Administrator role provides in output the status information for listing in TemplateSellingStatus
Public methodCode exampleGetUserAssistanceRequests
This method provide a list of the assistance requests inserted by the user. Data can be filtered by date interval and request status.
Public methodCode exampleGetUserAuthenticationToken Obsolete.

This method make authentication token and link its to account.

This method link valid token to user. Token is valid for some hours and attests authentication to service.

If user has valid token him can call WsEndUser methods. Service verify token then all user call to service. If not valid user must authenticate.

Public methodCode exampleGetUserInfo
Gets information about the user. By the method GetUserInfo () of Aruba WsEndUser, it is possible to obtain detailed information on the account specified at the time of authentication. For example, you can learn the unique identifier assigned to the (UserId), or whether the user is active or disabled.
Public methodCode exampleGetVDCGraph
The method retrieve a graphical view related the virtualdatanceter owned by logged user.
Public methodCode exampleGetVirtualDatacenter
Return detail informations of virtual datacenter. VirtualDatacenter class contain information account's datacenter. VirtualDatacenter has this elements:
Lists exposed
object list of IPAddress class
object list of VLan class
ServerDetail list
Public methodCode exampleGetVirtualDatacenterCost
Get price's details of account virtual datacenter's components. By call to GetVirtualDataCenterCost method it's possible know price's details for each virtual datacenter's component
Public methodCode exampleGetVirtualMachineCost
The method return the cost of the requested server. If the parameter "server" is specified, it calculates the cost based on the object specification. If the parameter "virtualMachineID" is speicifed, it calculates the cost based on the VM existing specifications. NOTE: It's not possible to use both parameters together.
Public methodGetVirtualMachinePricingTypes
This method returns all Pricing Types related to available PRO Virtual Machines
Public methodGetVirtualMachineResourcesProducts
Returns the paged list of VirtualMachineResourcesProducts.
Public methodCode exampleGetVMMetrics
The method return information about Virtual Machine metrics.
Public methodCode exampleGetVMPerformance
The method return information about virtual server actual state. The available information sets are CPU and Net info. The servers with VMWare hypervisor have additional data regarding RAM and Hard Disk.
Public methodCode exampleGetVMPerformances
The methods return information about the actual status of virtual servers requested The available information sets are CPU and Net info. The servers with VMWare hypervisor have additional data regarding RAM and Hard Disk.
Public methodGetVPCUsers
Returns VPC users
Public methodCode exampleIsLuckySmartAvailable
The method indicates if there's a LuckySmart promotion currently running.
Public methodManageIP
Public methodPlannedChangePrivateCloudLicenseDeletion
This method deletes a planned changes to additional service lecenses
Public methodPlannedChangePrivateCloudWindowsLicenseDeletion
This method deletes a planned changes to the windows licenses
Public methodRenameHybridLink
This method allows renaming a Hybrid Link
Public methodRequestVPCUserOtpToken
Returns user otp token informations
Public methodResetVPCUserPassword
This method reset VPC user password
Public methodServerPlannedChangeDeletion
Public methodCode exampleSetAddLoadBalancerContacts
By the method SetAddLoadBalancerContacts you can add a contact to the load balancer. The method require to specify the LoadBalancerID and the contact parameters.
Public methodCode exampleSetAddLoadBalancerRule
By the method SetAddLoadBalancerRule you can add a rule to load balancer. The method require to specify the rule’s parameters.
Public methodCode exampleSetAddServerScheduledOperation
Create a new scheduled task. By the method SetAddServerScheduledOperation () of Aruba is WsEndUser can create a new scheduled task by specifying the type and date.
Public methodCode exampleSetAddVDCGraph
The method add a graphical view of the virtualdatanceter owned by logged user
Public methodCode exampleSetAssistanceQuotationAcceptance Obsolete.
By this method a user can accept or refuse an assistance quotation made available by assistance team.. (the request is in status “Estimated”).
Public methodCode exampleSetChangeNoteServer
Adds header information to the notes of a server. Using the method SetChangeNoteServer () WsEndUser of Aruba, you can add, edit, or delete notes associated with the specified virtual server. And 'possible to completely erase notes, setting a string empty string. Inserting a new note overwrites the previously stored known. Each virtual server You can associate a single note. The format of the note can be plain text (plain text) or HTML text (ie text formatted using HTML tags).
Public methodSetControlToolActivationRequest
The SetControlToolActivationRequest allows to send an Extra Control Tool activation request for one or more virtual machines; as soon as the request is processed, the token required for the activation will be sent via email.
Public methodCode exampleSetControlToolActive Obsolete.
The SetControlToolActive allows to activate the Extra Control Tool on one or more virtual machines, passing it a token generated by an Extra Control Tool activation request for one or more virtual machines.
Public methodCode exampleSetControlToolDisable Obsolete.
The SetControlToolDisable method allows to disable the Extra Control Tool for a given machine.
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueAddIQNSharedStorage
By the method SetEnqueueAddIQNSharedStorage you can add a IQN to a network storage
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueAssociateIpAddress
Assign an IPAddress to a specified network adapter. Using the method SetEnqueueAssociateIpAddress () WsEndUser of Aruba, you can associate network adapter to one or more private IPAddress account specified during authentication. The operation of the Association for IP a network adapter can not be completed if the IPAddress or network adapter does not exist or does not belong to the specified account, or if the virtual server is Stopped or Running state. Similarly, the pairing operation between IPAddress and network adapter not will fail if the IPAddress is already associated with a VLAN, or if there is queuing operation on the resource in question, in a state different from error or Completed.
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueAssociateVLan
Assigns a VLAN to a specified network adapter. Using the method SetEnqueueAssociateVLan () WsEndUser of Aruba, you can associate to a VLAN network adapter among those available from your specified during authentication. The bind operation IP address to a network adapter can not be completed if the network or virtual network adapter listed do not exist or belong to the account specified, or if the virtual server is Stopped or Running state. Similarly, the operation of association between VLANs and network adapter will not succeed if the network adapter is already assigned to a VLAN, or if it exists in the queue an operation on the resource in question, in a state different from error or Completed.
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueCreateFTPAccount
Performs an operation to create an FTP account. By the method SetEnqueueCreateFTPAccount () of Aruba is WsEndUser can create an FTP account, the initial size is set to 50 GB.
Public methodSetEnqueueCreateHybridLink
This method creates a new hybrid link
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueDeassociateIpAddress
Removes an assignment between an IPAddress to a specified network adapter. By the method SetEnqueueDeassociateIpAddress () of Aruba WsEndUser, you can remove the association between a network adapter and one or more IPAddress. The process of disassociation IP addresses to a network adapter can not be completed if the IPAddress or network adapter does not exist, do not belong to the specified account, or does not appear to be associated with each other. Similarly, the operation will fail if there is an operation in the queue, on the resource in question, in a state different from error or Completed
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueDeassociateVLan
Removes an assignment between a network adapter and a VLAN. By the method SetEnqueueDeassociateVLan () of Aruba WsEndUser, it is possible to remove the association between a network adapter and a VLAN. The process of disassociation can not be completed if the VLAN or network adapter not exist, does not belong to the specified account, or not appear to be associated with each other. Similarly, the operation will fail end if it exists in the queue operation on the resource in question, in a state different from error or Completed.
Public methodSetEnqueueDeleteHybridLink
This method deletes the specified hybrid link on the specified datacenter
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueLoadBalancerAddInstances
By the method SetEnqueueLoadBalancerAddInstances you can add the IP addresses to load balancer. The method require to specify the LoadBalancerID and the IP addresses to add.
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueLoadBalancerCreation
By the method SetEnqueueLoadBalancerCreation you can create a load balancer. The method require to specify the name, the IP Address of balancer, the Class of Service of balancer, the load balancing algorithm, the rules for load balancing and the IP addresses to balance.
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueLoadBalancerDeletion
By the method SetEnqueueLoadBalancerDeletion you can remove a load balancer. The method require to specify the load balancer's identification number.
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueLoadBalancerPowerOff
By the method SetEnqueueLoadBalancerPowerOff you can power off a load balancer. The method require to specify the load balancer's identification number.
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueLoadBalancerRemoveInstances
By the method SetEnqueueLoadBalancerRemoveInstances you can remove the IP addresses from load balancer. The method require to specify the LoadBalancerID and the IP addresses to add.
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueLoadBalancerStart
By the method SetEnqueueLoadBalancerStart you can start a load balancer. The method require to specify the load balancer's identification number.
Public methodSetEnqueueModifyPrivateCloudOrganization
this method allows the user to change technical contacts, email and telephone, or enable or disable VROps monitoring for a specific PrivateCloudOrganisation
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueModifyPrivateCloudResources
By the method SetEnqueueModifyPrivateCloudResources you can modify a resouces quantity
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueModifySharedStorage
By the method SetEnqueueModifySharedStorage you can modify a network storage size
Public methodSetEnqueueModifyVirtualMachinePackage
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueMountDvdIso
Performs an operation to mount ISO images to a virtual machine. By the method SetEnqueueMountDvdIso() of Aruba WsEndUser you can mount an ISO image to a virtual machine. This is done using an ISO image (custom ISO) available in the FTP space associated with the account specified in the authentication phase.
Public methodSetEnqueuePersonalTemplateCreation
Allows the user to create a new template from primary disk of a virtualMachine active on the system. The method performs the export of primary disk of the virtual machine in the FTP user folder. The method combines a number template to some data required for its characterization and identification in the system.
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueuePrivateCloudActivation
By the method SetEnqueuePrivateCloudActivation you can activate a private cloud
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueuePrivateCloudDeletion
By the method SetEnqueuePrivateCloudDeletion you can delete a private cloud
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueuePurchasePrivateCloud
By the method SetEnqueuePurchasePrivateCloud you can puchase a private cloud. The method require to specify the name of private cloud, a description, the username and password, a telephone number, an email and the resources quantity
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueuePurchaseSharedStorage
By the method SetEnqueuePurchaseSharedStorage you can puchase a network storage. The method require to specify the name of storage, the protocol, the IP if you want and the size of storage also if you specify the ISCSI protocol you must specify the IQN of your machine
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueReinitializeLoadBalancer
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueReinitializeServer
Enqueue the operation of reinitialize of a SmartVMWare server. The server will be initialized as new with the last package upgrade.
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueRemoveIQNSharedStorage
By the method SetEnqueueRemoveIQNSharedStorage you can remove a IQN to a network storage
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueRemoveSharedStorage
By the method SetEnqueueRemoveSharedStorage you can delete a network storage
Public methodSetEnqueueResetReverseDns
Method for reseting Reverse DNS
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueResizeFTPAccount
The method is aimed to change size of the ftp account owSetEnqueueResizeFTPAccountned by the user calling the method
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueServerArchiviation
Performs a storage operation of the specified virtual server. By the method SetEnqueueServerArchiviation () of Aruba WsEndUser, you can append operation (Job) storage of the virtual server specified by parameter ServerID.
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueServerCreation
Performs a creation of a virtual server. By the method SetEnqueueServerCreation() of Aruba is WsEndUser can create a virtual server by specifying the characteristics of the various resources that make up. The method, in the case of a CREATION OF virtualMachine with a custom template or template Premium (generated by selling a template created by a director of a company) retrieves the image file required to create a car space FTP User that created it.
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueServerCreationEx
Performs a creation of a virtual server with the generated server returned as a result with all the info needed for the following steps (ie: getting the SmartVMWarePackageID). By the method SetEnqueueServerCreationEx() of Aruba is WsEndUser can create a virtual server by specifying the characteristics of the various resources that make up. The method, in the case of a CREATION OF virtualMachine with a custom template or template Premium (generated by selling a template created by a director of a company) retrieves the image file required to create a car space FTP User that created it. Plus, it returns the info needed for the creation of the virtual server.
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueServerDeletion
Performs a delete operation of the specified virtual server. By the method SetEnqueueServerDeletion() of Aruba WsEndUser, you can append operation (Job) cancellation of the virtual server specified by parameter ServerID. this operation will remove the virtual server from the virtual datacenter associated with the specified account.
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueServerPowerOff
This method execute forced shutdown of specified virtual server. By SetEnqueueServerPowerOff() method of Aruba WsEndUser it’s possible add power off operation (Job) of virtual server indicate in input parameter
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueServerReset
Performs a restart operation of the virtual server specified. By the method SetEnqueueServerPowerOff() of Aruba WsEndUser, you can append operation (Job) to reset the virtual server specified by parameter ServerID.
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueServerRestart
Performs a reboot of the specified virtual server. Using the method SetEnqueueServerRestart() WsEndUser of Aruba, you can append operation (Job) to reboot the virtual server specified by parameter ServerID.
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueServerRestore
Performs a restore operation of the specified virtual server. By the method SetEnqueueServerArchiviation () of Aruba WsEndUser, you can append operation (Job) to restore a virtual server stored, bringing in fact the group of active servers.
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueServerSnapshot
This method execute creation, restore or delete of snapshot. By SetEnqueueServerSnapshot it’s possible add creation, restore or delete operation (Job). Restore operation execute restore of resource (disk, data) but not restore RAM, CPU, Virtual LAN and Public IP. This feature is allowed on VmWare and one snapshot is allowed. Snapshot deadline is 7 day. In this lifetime user can request restore and delete. Then 7 day snapshot is deleted automatically.
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueServerStart
This method executes start of virtual server. By SetEnqueueServerStart it’s possible add startup operation (Job) of virtual server with serverId in input.
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueServerStop
This method executes shutdown of virtual server. By SetEnqueueServerStart it’s possible add shutdown operation (Job) of virtual server with serverId in input
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueServerUpdate
Performs an update of the resources of a virtual server. By the method SetEnqueueServerUpdate () Aruba's WsEndUser you can change the resources of a virtual server by specifying the resources that have changed.
Public methodSetEnqueueSetReverseDns
Method for creating new Reverse DNS
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueUnmountDvdIso
By the method one can unmount an ISO image from a virtual machine.
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueUpdateControlTool Obsolete.
The SetEnqueueUpdateControlTool allows to request to update the Extra Control Tool on an individual virtual machine.
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueVirtualDiskExport
This method execute export of virtual disk. By SetEnqueueVirtualDiskExport() method it’s possible add Export virtual disk operation (Job) in authenticated account’s FTP space. Path is of type: Export\<Nome_Server_Virtuale>\.
Public methodCode exampleSetEnqueueVirtualDiskManage
Performs an operation on a resource management type VirtualDisk.

Using the method SetEnqueueVirtualDiskManage () to Aruba WsEndUser you can queue a task (Job) management of a virtual disk. The operations that can be made are of different types, all shown in the following table:

CreateCreate a new virtual disk
DeleteDeletes an existing virtual disk
ResizeAssigns a new dimension to an existing virtual disk
Public methodCode exampleSetInsertAssistanceRequest Obsolete.
This method is aimed to insert an assistance request. User can specify subject, body of the request and optionally a virtual server involved. Request status will be “Draft” so the system will not send the request to the assistance team. User must insert email address, full name and phone number .
Public methodCode exampleSetModifyLoadBalancer
By the method SetModifyLoadBalancer you can modify the name of load balancer, and the health check notification agreement.
Public methodSetPurchasedAdditionalServices
This operation manages the insert, update and delete of an array of AdditionalService passed in the operation request along with an email address and a telephone number
Public methodCode exampleSetPurchaseIpAddress
Reserve an IP address to the specified account at the time of authentication. By the method SetPurchaseIpAddress() of Aruba WsEndUser, You can reserve all'acocunt specifies the first free public IP address. The recording operation of the IP address, depends on the presence of a claim equal to or above the cost of acquisition of the IP address. If the recording operation and free IP address assignment is successful, the object returned by the method SetPurchaseIpAddress() will all information related to the resource: address, subnet mask, gateway address, etc.
Public methodCode exampleSetPurchaseVLan
Reserve a VLAN upon authentication to the specified account. By the method SetPurchaseVLan() of Aruba WsEndUser, you can buy a VLAN named. The recording operation of VLAN association and the account is subject to presence of a claim equal to or greater than the cost of purchasing that resource. If the recording operation and the allocation of VLAN is successful, the object returned by the method SetPurchaseVLan() will contain all the information about the resource: name, code, etc.
Public methodCode exampleSetReadNews
Set a News as read. By the method SetReadNews () of Aruba WsEndUser, is a report notifications as read in a manner that does not resubmit it to the user.
Public methodCode exampleSetRemoveIpAddress
Removes an IP address associated with the account specified at the time of authentication. By the method SetRemoveIpAddress () of Aruba WsEndUser, you can remove the specified IP address, if associated with the account with which you call the method. In the event that the IP address you want to remove is associated to another account, a message will be returned error and the operation will fail. The operation to remove the IP address can not be completed if at the time of the method call SetRemoveIpAddress () the specified address is associated with a network adapter. Similarly, the removal operation of the IP address can not be completed if there is an operation on the specified IP address, appended with error or status other than Completed.
Public methodCode exampleSetRemoveLoadBalancerContacts
By the method SetRemoveLoadBalancerContacts you can remove a contacts of the load balancer. The method require to specify the LoadBalancerID and the contacts to remove.
Public methodCode exampleSetRemoveLoadBalancerRule
By the method SetRemoveLoadBalancerRule you can remove a rule from load balancer. The method require to specify the LoadBalancerRuleID.
Public methodCode exampleSetRemovePersonalTemplate
The method can be used when an user wants to remove a previously created personal template. A template can be removed if it's not on sale. FTP space is released after template deletion
Public methodCode exampleSetRemoveServerScheduledOperation
Deletes an existing scheduled operation. By the method SetRemoveServerScheduledOperation() of Aruba WsEndUser you can delete an existing scheduled operation.
Public methodCode exampleSetRemoveVLan
Removes a named VLAN associated with the account specified at the time of authentication. By the method SetRemoveVLan () WsEndUser of Aruba, you can remove the specified VLAN, if associated with the account with which you call the method. In case you want to remove the VLAN does not exist or is associated with another account, a message will be returned error and the operation will fail. The operation to remove the IP address can not be completed if at the time the method call SetRemoveIpAddress () the specified address is associated with a network adapter. Similarly, IP removal operation can not be completed if there is an operation on the specified VLAN, appended with error or status other than Completed.
Public methodCode exampleSetRenameServer
Performs an update operation the name of the specified virtual server. By the method SetRenameServer () of Aruba WsEndUser you can change the name by which the server is displayed. This will not change in any so the server identity code (serverID), ie the progressive code with which the server is identified in such a way unique within the system.
Public methodCode exampleSetRenameSharedStorage
By the method SetRenameSharedStorage you can change the name of a network storage
Public methodCode exampleSetRenameVLan
Assign a new name to a VLAN associated with the account specified at the time of authentication. Using the method SetRenameVLan() WsEndUser of Aruba, you can change the name assigned to a VLAN.
Public methodCode exampleSetSendAssistanceRequest Obsolete.
This method should be used when an user wants to send a previously inserted request in Draft status to the assistance team. After successful execution of the method of assistance team will take care of the request.
Public methodCode exampleSetUpdateAssistanceRequest Obsolete.
This method is aimed to update assistance request data. Assistance request is updatable until user will send it to assistance team . Updatable data are RequestSubject, RequestBody, VirtualMachineID, CustomerEmail, CustomerFullName, CustomerPhoneNumber.
Public methodSetUpdatePersonalTemplate
Allows the updating of the personal-attributes created template:
Public methodCode exampleSetUpdateServerScheduledOperation
Modify an existing scheduled operation. By the method SetUpdateServerScheduledOperation () of Aruba WsEndUser you can modify an existing scheduled task by specifying new values ​​for Operation, StartDate and OperationLabel.
Public methodCode exampleSetUpdateVDCGraph
The method update a graphical view related the virtualdatanceter owned by logged user.
Public methodSetVPCOtpStatus
This method allows to modify VPCO informations
Public methodSyncVPCUserOtpToken
This method allow to verify an Otp couple
Public methodVerifyVPCUserOtp
This method allow to verify an Otp
See Also