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IWsEndUserSetRemoveIpAddress Method

Removes an IP address associated with the account specified at the time of authentication. By the method SetRemoveIpAddress () of Aruba WsEndUser, you can remove the specified IP address, if associated with the account with which you call the method. In the event that the IP address you want to remove is associated to another account, a message will be returned error and the operation will fail. The operation to remove the IP address can not be completed if at the time of the method call SetRemoveIpAddress () the specified address is associated with a network adapter. Similarly, the removal operation of the IP address can not be completed if there is an operation on the specified IP address, appended with error or status other than Completed.

Namespace:  Aruba.Cloud.WsEndUser
Assembly:  Aruba.Cloud.WsEndUser (in Aruba.Cloud.WsEndUser.dll) Version: (
WsResult SetRemoveIpAddress(
	int ipAddressResourceId


Type: SystemInt32

Return Value

Type: WsResult
The method returns an object WsResult contains information about the method call. For further details on the information returned by the method see the class definition WsResult.
The following example shows a custom method, called RemoveIpAddress(), which means a call to SetRemoveIpAddress() to Aruba WsEndUser, removes the resource type IPAddress with resource code 4761.
private void RemoveIpAddress(WsEndUserClient client)
    WsResult result = client.SetRemoveIpAddress(4761);

    if (!result.Success)
        throw new ApplicationException(String.Format(
            "An error has occurred while invoking SetRemoveIpAddress(). {0}", result.ResultMessage));
  catch (Exception ex)
    throw new ApplicationException(
        String.Format("An error has occurred while setting server note {0}", ex.Message));
See Also