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IWsCommonJsonpGetUserAuthenticationToken Method

The method generates an authentication token and associates it with the account indicated. Each user is assigned a unique token, valid for a few hours, certifying the authentication service. If you have a valid token you can make calls to methods of WSEndUser. After each call to any method of Aruba WSEndUser, the service checks for a valid token for the account that you specify. If this does not exist, or if the token is found to be expired, you will need to authenticate again to get it.

Namespace:  Aruba.Cloud.WsCommon
Assembly:  Aruba.Cloud.WsCommon (in Aruba.Cloud.WsCommon.dll) Version: (
[WebGetAttribute(ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, UriTemplate = "GetUserAuthenticationToken/{jsonp}/{username}/?password={password}&deviceId={deviceId}&os={osType}&osver={osVersion}&lang={language}&appver={appVer}")]
Stream GetUserAuthenticationToken(
	string jsonp,
	string username,
	string password,
	string deviceId = null,
	string osType = null,
	string osVersion = null,
	string language = null,
	string appVer = null


Type: SystemString
Type: SystemString
Type: SystemString
deviceId (Optional)
Type: SystemString
osType (Optional)
Type: SystemString
osVersion (Optional)
Type: SystemString
language (Optional)
Type: SystemString
appVer (Optional)
Type: SystemString

Return Value

Type: Stream
See Also